Dress Code
What a dancer wears to class is important. Each class has a specific uniform that the dancers are required to wear. The uniform helps create a sense of discipline and order while allowing the teachers to see what a student's body is doing. Students may be unable to participate in class if the dress code is not adhered to.
Please change into dance shoes when you arrive. Do not wear dance shoes outdoors!
2024-2025 Dress Code
Dress Codes for Enrichment (Children, Youth, and Teen) and Pre-Professional Programs
Purchasing Dancewear
Dance shoes and tights are available at the retailers below. Select colors of the pre-professional uniform leotard are available at Liesl Dancewear (call first to ensure your color and size are in stock). Uniform leotards can also be purchased online at Discount Dance and the So Danca website, as well as other online retailers.
- Liesl Dancewear
14073 Crown Court
Woodbridge, VA
(offers pointe shoe fittings) - The Cinnamon Tree
Herndon 305 Spring Street
Herndon, VA 20170
(offers pointe shoe fittings) - discountdance.com
- dancingsuppliesdepot.com
- sodanca.com